Requirements and Conditions for Players Wishing to Register for Trials or Qualifications, Including Age:
1. Athletes must wear appropriate sports attire.
2. Athletes who are suspended due to disciplinary action are not allowed to participate.
3 . Players are not allowed to participate in more than one trials.
4. Participation is allowed for Saudi nationals, As non-Saudis are allowed to participate provided that they hold a valid residency permit of no less than one year. with foreign participants limited to 12% of the total number of athletes (Non-Saudis born in Saudi Arabia will be treated as Saudi nationals upon verification).
5. Players must be medically fit and must present a medical report issued within the last six months. No one will be allowed to participate without the medical report, which must be presented on the day of the trials.
6. If the sport is active in government clubs or private clubs (Nafes), the player must bring their club ID and represent their registered club in the sports performance system.
7. If the same competition is available for both youth and adults or for young women and adult women, the player must choose one competition as they cannot participate in both categories.
8. Participants must be familiar with the rules and regulations of the game.
9. Players must bring their own game equipment.
10. The organizing committee has the right to use photos and videos taken during the Saudi Games 2024 for media and advertising campaigns on media outlets and social media platforms.
Terms and Conditions of the Federation (Specific to the Third Saudi Games 2024 only)
1. Number of participants for each team: (14 players maximum (for men and women) provided that there are two libero players.
2. The technical and administrative staff consists of a coach + assistant coach + certified therapist + administrator.
3. All players aged 18 and above are allowed to participate (born in 2006 regardless of the month of birth).
4. The responsible administrator must have a mandate from the club as he is fully responsible for the team.
5. Each team must bring two different kits.
6. The club bears full responsibility for the medical examination of the players.
7. All matches must be held on time and under any circumstances unless the organizing committee deems otherwise.
8. The team that wins three sets out of five according to the international law of the game wins the match.
Calculating the final results:
Winning with a score of (3/0) - (3/1) The winning team gets (3) points and does not get The losing team gets any point.
Winning with a score of (3/2) the winning team gets (two points) and the losing team gets
(one point).
9.) To determine the final ranking of the participating clubs, the following steps are followed according to priority:
(9-1) Number of victories (i.e. the team with the most wins).
(9-2) Number of points won and lost (the team with the most points).
(9-3) Rounds (the ratio of dividing the number of rounds won by the number of rounds owed).
(9-4) Rounds points (the ratio of dividing the number of rounds points won by the number of rounds owed).
(9-5) In the event of a continued tie between two teams, the result of the last match between them is considered.
(9-6) In the event of a tie between more than two teams, their results will be calculated separately, taking into account the previous points.
10. If the team is late for the match for more than a quarter of an hour or after the referees finish recording the report, it is considered to have lost the match result after a decision is issued by the organizing committee based on the attached reports, and the other team has no right to refrain from playing due to the delay of the match except after the decision of the match referees, regardless of the period.
11. The team’s withdrawal from the tournament means its exit from the stadium or its refusal to complete the match, in which case it is deprived of completing its matches in this tournament and its results are considered (cancelled) and all points for and against it are deleted and it is considered the last in its group.
12. If the club fails to attend the match due to force majeure, the organizing committee will consider the matter and decide what it deems appropriate.
13. If the match cannot be held on the previously designated stadium, the organizing committee will determine another stadium, and the two competing clubs will be notified of the new stadium.
14. The match will be managed by referees approved and assigned by the federation, and the match will be held in accordance with the International Amateur Law, except for what is specifically stated in these regulations.
15. The protest shall be sent to the tournament organizing committee within (2) hours from the end of the match, accompanied by a protest fee of (five thousand riyals), provided that the international volleyball law is applied in the method of submitting the protest. If it is not done in accordance with this method, the protest will not be considered.
16. Each team must bring the player cards for the 2024/2025 sports season. If there is a difference or incorrectness in the player cards, the team will lose the match in which the violator participated after verifying this.
17. The tournament organizing committee has the right to advance, delay or postpone any match that it deems to be in the public interest.
18. Each team has the right to register two non-Saudi players (provided that their international transfer certificate from the International Volleyball Federation is valid and registered on the sports platform) and has a player card from the sports platform (for men).
19. It is permissible to register two players who were born (registered on the sports platform) and hold a birth certificate and a player card from the sports platform to participate in the competition, provided that one player is present on the field and the other is on the reserve bench (for men).
20. For women, each team has the right to register two non-Saudi players (provided that they have a valid international transfer certificate from the International Volleyball Federation and are registered on the sports platform) and have a player card from the sports platform. A resident player is also allowed to participate, provided that she holds a valid residency and has a player card from the sports platform and is among the permitted number of non-Saudis (only two non-Saudi players, whether a foreign or resident player).
21. Two players born (registered on the sports platform) may be registered and hold a birth certificate and a player card from the sports platform to participate in the competition.
22. Nafes Clubs (Private Clubs) The club must have a valid license from the Nafes platform (and the Saudi Federation’s approval to participate based on the Federation’s approval to state the names of the players registered in the club), taking into account what is stated in paragraph (20) regarding the international transfer certificate and what is stated in paragraph (21) regarding the birth certificate.